Article regarding the breakcore scene and filesharing

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Re: logical

Postby JohnMerrik » Tue May 26, 2009 9:16 am

yonosoyelquesoy wrote:If everyone should pay for everything they hear then you should pay for the info you are getting for your article here. Dont you think so?


I think most all files/music/info should be free...

If you are making money off my tunes at clubs... etc... kick me some money... if you just want to hear it? HAVE IT! Enjoy it! whatever... it is yours!
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Re: logical

Postby drop_this » Tue May 26, 2009 10:04 am

yonosoyelquesoy wrote:If everyone should pay for everything they hear...

ummm, where did he say that?

yonosoyelquesoy wrote:then you should pay for the info you are getting for your article here. Dont you think so?

Are you being a deliberate dipshit? If you don't wanna do something for free, don't do it.

When artists make records, the vast majority of them aren't "volunteering" the music.


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Postby larsby » Tue May 26, 2009 2:23 pm

1. Through Aphex Twin and Venetian snares.

2. It's important, yeah, but so is butt ugly myspace, and this site, and breakcore radio and

3. I don't shop physical records. Have not done so in several years. Will not start again. I've put every single one of my physical records in the attic. I buy a shitload of t-shirts though! And I go to every breakcore show in my vicinity (they are very few so it's easy!)
CD's are such a waste of resources and it punishes the environment.

4. see answer 3

5. I'd like to think that I give something back by buying t-shirts and going to shows. probably this is not true. It's probably hurting the smaller labels. The indie ones that is.

One of the band's I'm in tried getting published on CD. we failed, it's not break-core enough and it's not any of the other genres either, or maybe we're just not good enough. Anyway, we went with the option, getting out on iTunes and so. We've sold one digital release on cdbaby and one of the physical CD's. on iTunes we sold less more . But we do have three times the listeners on then the total amount of sold albums. If you search for the band on the internets you find us on megashare and similar sites. And I don't care. We've made a few publicity stunts and have had loads (I'm talking almost hundred thousand visitors to our homepage and our myspace) still to not selling that much. But I don't care. We've have had gig's that payed far more in free alcohol then we will probably ever get out of selling Cd's or MP3's.

For my break-core download pleasure I've installed streamripper-x on one of my computers at home and it is saving everything played on mohahahahMOHAHAHAHA

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Postby divtech » Wed May 27, 2009 2:34 am

i think the fact that so many broke-ass breakcore scumbags exist to download music, the cleaner it keeps the scene from these fresh motherfuckin get-money bitches out there in the music industry

just think, if breakcore really could generate revenue, (for example, if people bought it rather than downloaded) all the people who make it for free to very little would be shoved outta the way in replace for the type of producer you get making electrohouse and dnb

personally i like that there are so many breakcore artists with enough passion that they make it with very little return, sure support them, but dont go hording everyone to some breakcore cash-crop

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Postby JohnMerrik » Wed May 27, 2009 7:46 am

very well put divtech. I agree quite a bit.
look what happened to punk rock when the people who made it became about the money....
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Fck the mainstrean the life for me is the underground

Postby yonosoyelquesoy » Wed May 27, 2009 10:09 pm

Damn right!
Breakcore scene is based on blood, sweat and tears, I mean pure
PASSION for music.

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Postby yonosoyelquesoy » Wed May 27, 2009 10:17 pm

yonosoyelquesoy wrote:Damn right!
Breakcore scene is based on blood, sweat and tears, I mean pure
PASSION for music.

Specially BLOOD

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Re: Fck the mainstrean the life for me is the underground

Postby MarkyPoo » Wed May 27, 2009 11:41 pm

yonosoyelquesoy wrote:Damn right!
Breakcore scene is based on blood, sweat and tears, I mean pure
PASSION for music.

Specially Tears...

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Re: Fck the mainstrean the life for me is the underground

Postby divtech » Wed May 27, 2009 11:48 pm

yonosoyelquesoy wrote:Damn right!
Breakcore scene is based on blood, sweat and tears, I mean pure
PASSION for music.

you forgot about semen

...lots a semen

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Postby JohnMerrik » Wed May 27, 2009 11:56 pm

And shit.... lots and lots of shit!

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Postby divtech » Thu May 28, 2009 12:06 am

and 1 cup?


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