Article regarding the breakcore scene and filesharing

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Article regarding the breakcore scene and filesharing

Postby Frankie J Matters » Tue May 19, 2009 1:06 am


My name is Frankie Matters, and I'm writing an article regarding the breakcore scene and filesharing. I've contacted a few prominent artists and labels, and hopefully they'll be willing to answer some of my questions on their thoughts and feelings on filesharing, both on a personal and a professional level.

But at the same time, I want to check how important filesharing has been to you in discovering breakcore. So I'm just basically

1. wodering how you discovered breakcore, and in what way you further developed your taste in the scene...?

And seeing as how things are starting to look in the world such as harder laws against filesharing,

2. how important is filesharing to you today in hearing new artists/records?

3. How many have gone from downloading to shopping more physical records?

4. How many buy their records in digital format? And to what extent?

5. For those of you who download breakcore: do you think of the moral issue even more than "regular" downloaders perhaps do, since breakcore isn't THAT big of a scene compare to others?

If you come up with any other topics that might be interesting to discuss in the article, don't hesitate to post it here!

Thanks a bunch,
Frankie Matters

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Re: Article regarding the breakcore scene and filesharing

Postby Feutus Lapdance » Tue May 19, 2009 6:15 am

1.Since I had seen the Windowlicker clip I lovet Aphex twin. I buyt and downloded al its stuf. It was not Inuf. So I lookt for more IDM.
The first breakcore I heard was Vsnares. I liket its jungle sound, Its IDM sound.
I dident like its winipeg is a frozen shitholle sound. It was to Caotic, to random for me to make any sendse, So I did not listent to that for a long, Long.....Time.
A fjew jears leater I went to my first Tekno party, It was The first time I had fun in going outh. I liket Tekno, the People and the docs running around.
But tekno was difucult to buy. Jou could not find it on cd or somting so I was starting to collect tekno and IDM records in Antenne Tilburg, where I met Sjack (also nown as DMDN).
Sjack does not only have a good tatse of records, he knows also where the partys are.
He recomended some Breakcore partys becouse of the tekno and hardcore sound.
He playt a breakcore set that was butyful. So I started to listen to the 4/4 extreme hardcore: I started to listen to PowerVSPower and the stuf that came on strike records. More and more extreme faster breakcore was nesessary.

Now when I listen to Vsnares I understand and feel. It altert my way of listening and lookig at musick.

2. file sharing is for me a way to listen the stuf jou canot buy anymore. I mean jou know the record skeletjairs from doormouse. Jou canot find that record in the shop. If jou want to a second hand on Ebay or Discocks It wil cost jou likke 70 euro.
So I dont do it becouse its sheep, Its the only way jou get the musick jou can not find anymore.

3.more of the other way a round, I began to buy LPs. Now I downloded a lot of stuf.

4. I never buy mp3s.

5.Fuck this qestion. I hathe the musick Industry. The tel us wat to likke, To wear, to eath, to talk and its Crap.
A Industry of makking Crap.
Fukking stuppid geto basterds on television that thels me that the folowing is Importand: Mony, Guns, Bitces, and how Gangster thy are.
Fuck that crap. Musick should be free and artist should make mony by giving gigs.
MTV and radio stations can go fuck themselves.

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Postby T_rak_T » Tue May 19, 2009 6:56 am

1. Notes on Breakcore, then Oddioblender/Venetian Snares/Breakcore Gives Me Wood came along.

And seeing as how things are starting to look in the world such as harder laws against filesharing,

2. I can't afford shit, downloading and trading music is how I get a lot of beautiful sexy music. People send me their favorites and I go on and search out similar artists.

3. No idea

4. Most of them I imagine, it's hard to find breakcore anything, but cds are always accessible.

5. No way, since it's not that big of a scene there's more to download than to buy. Sure there's a lot of the stuff that you can buy, but I find that most of the stuff I download is by amateur musicians just putting their music on fileshare and whatnot.
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Postby Frankie J Matters » Tue May 19, 2009 8:34 am

Oh, maybe I should have been just a bit more specific on questions 2 and 3:

What I mean is how many of YOU out there have gone from downloading to buying physical records? And how many of YOU buy records in digital format?

Thanks for the answers so far!

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Postby brokoloid » Tue May 19, 2009 9:03 am

i discovered it through some speedcore artists and alec empire/ATR/DHR stuff. i LOVE well handled amens, but i think now i listen to more idm-ish breakcore. I download almost everything i find interesting (from previous releases), and i keep constant attention to some netlabels as well. if i find something really cool and i cant stop listening to it for days i may buy it on a cd in the future. so far i have some luke vibert, squarepusher, venetian snares, aphex twin, eight frozen modules... but it's hard to really purchase the music. I totally support the idea, 'cause i'm a producer myself (like many guys on this forum and actually many guys in breakcore...), but it's really annoying for me to give 10-15 $ for couple of tracks on vynil, when i can give the same amount of money to buy the whole album on flac or dont give a money at all - lot of ppl are like me :roll:

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Postby Gazmatic » Tue May 19, 2009 11:17 am

Im both broad minded and suffer from a sick sense of humour, so breakcore caters for my needs.
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Postby weyheyhey !! » Tue May 19, 2009 11:17 am

1. in 2004, I was buying a squarepusher CD on amazon, and the site recommended me "huge chrome cylinder box unfolding" by venetian snares. So I bought it because it was such an interesting name. After that I downloaded/bought everything I could by VS. I'd download stuff until I could buy a physical copy.

2. Not that important. Most new artists/bands have a myspace profile or similar. I don't feel like I need to download a complete album to check them out. I don't believe most people need to either.

3. Stayed about the same for me. If I think it's worth buying, I'll buy it, especially if it's available on vinyl. If I download something (illegally) and I listen to it enough, I will then buy it. If I don't listen to it, then clearly I haven't made a purchasing mistake (that, I feel, is where a large portion of the record company's money came from in the past!)

4. I don't buy MP3s/Itunes/downloads, they have zero worth to me. CDs also hold little worth, I prefer vinyl for various reasons.

5. Of course! There's a chasm of a difference between downloading your local producer's mp3s to downloading the new radiohead album. You go and see your local producer playing gigs to 50 people and have the opportunity to say hello and talk about music, so it's far more intimate. And if I was to download the guy's mp3s after the show, it would definitely feel like a more personal assault and I'd feel like a right cunt.

The other thing I wanna mention is this; when I have paid for a copy of an album on a physical medium, I then believe I have paid for a 'license' for that work. Thus, I don't feel bad about downloading ("illegallly") the album in mp3 format. For example, I bought venetian snares' "Detrimentalist" on 12" vinyl, but I downloaded the Mp3s because I wanted to listen to it on my ipod. (I could have ripped the vinyl myself but this is much easier). I wonder if many other people do the same and perhaps this skews the statistics slightly?

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Postby producer_snafu » Tue May 19, 2009 9:30 pm

i1 i found out about breakcore from listening to bloody fist musicians, didn't know it was called breakcore until i went to a dark matter party in la circa 2002.

as far as my taste i just like breakcore that's well produced, dark and hard as fuck but the more i listend to it the more i disliked the fact that every other song was using the amen break "D

2. it's very important, these niggas know motha fuckers are gonna be downloading thier music, that's just a givin, if i like what i hear and you coming near my town, i'mma go to your show and give you props . . .maybe even buy you a beer, buy yer shit and have you autograph it.

if not i'm just gonna be downloading what ever i can as long as i have the sources to do so.

3. i dunno, i'm not a dj so buying cd-r's is more important then buying the record

4, check 2

5. i don't give a mad fuck
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Postby hatchgo » Fri May 22, 2009 11:49 pm

no moral issue whatsoever

do you pay for your samples?

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Postby producer_snafu » Sat May 23, 2009 2:10 am

hatchgo wrote:no moral issue whatsoever

do you pay for your samples?

fuck no!
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Postby Pr0duct » Sat May 23, 2009 3:08 am

pay!!!!!!!! pfft

why should you pay for something thats naturally created! whether through electronic means or organic means!!!

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Postby epilektric » Sat May 23, 2009 7:27 pm

1. I heard some Venetian Snares tracks like Salt, Intense Demonic Attacks... early stuff because we were already closely following the Addict record label with Doormouse, et all.

2. I rarely download any illegal music. A lot of music in this genre is free because it's made in bedrooms by people like me.

3. On occasion I have downloaded music that is for sale and I usually buy the CD or whatever afterwards.

4. MP3s sound like shit which is why I don't understand why people pay for them.

5. I like to support artists in the breakcore scene by purchasing their music if they are selling it. But I also really like the fact that a lot of good music is free.

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Postby drop_this » Sat May 23, 2009 8:23 pm

Pr0duct wrote:pay!!!!!!!! pfft

why should you pay for something thats naturally created! whether through electronic means or organic means!!!

Music doesn't grow on trees douchebag.

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Postby leonardII » Sun May 24, 2009 9:47 am

1) Breakcore was the hard sound I needed in the time, it went fluently from dev/null to BGMW and further. mp3 sharing with friends and via forums discovering the scene.

2) except the few visits to my local record shop, I mainly get my new music from downloadsites like gabber.od or this beatiful site.

3) after one year of just downloading, I finally discovered the pleasure of looking tru vinylshops in search of undiscovered music. I now spend most of my money on it

4) why would we go with the music industry's newest trend and buy bits and bites, zero's and one's, without anything touchable to go with. They'll have to invent something more interesting if they want to quit the illegal downloading

5) It's that old discussion again: if i couldn't dowload any breakcore, i would not have discovered all the bands I buy now in the vinyl shops. DL'ing is a blessing for all the music fans that want to listen to aaaalll kind of music that they normally never would have heard from.

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Postby yonosoyelquesoy » Tue May 26, 2009 8:12 am

If everyone should pay for everything they hear then you should pay for the info you are getting for your article here. Dont you think so?


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