Xmas Children's Morgue

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Xmas Children's Morgue

Postby hardon collider » Fri Dec 14, 2012 11:00 pm

What is the cause of my country's ceaseless infatuation with SCHOOL SHOOTINGS and GUN CRIME?

To my friends around the world, here is a chart to assist my point:

Could it be our violent sadistic media? The portrayal of on the scene nonstop hours upon hours of news coverage? All it does is create more problems, and brainwash people to be in fear.

(And here I am talking about it)

And on the subject of guns - guns are designed to kill. They are fucking killing devices! That is their purpose. Yet, any fuckhead in this country can easily buy one... actually my state recently signed a new ruling allowing guns to be brought into extended public areas (parks, restaurants, etc).

I mean yeah, people are going to get guns regardless but IT'S MESSED UP how the media portrays so many successful attempts at easily done, personalized, mass killing.

Perhaps our culture is to blame. I wouldn't exactly know, as someone living in the ghetto, I try not to get very involved with my 'culture' at large.

Regardless, another piece of shit joins the celebrity headlines// Dude was a fucking coward. [/url]
fuck shit

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Postby ManInThePlanet » Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:16 am

I hate to get into a political argument on the internet, especially on this forum, so I'm going to try keep my opinions to a minimum, especially since it won't change anything anyway.

First of all, the media has to cover this based on the fact that it happened. Other reasons, like the high body count and the majority of the victims being children, just further proves that the media consists of VULTURES that have the ability to effortlessly manipulate the public.

Not anyone can get a (legal) gun. If that was the case, I wouldn't be posting here. It all depends on how much money you have, who you know (I personally wouldn't know where to buy one without a permit, which requires a very extensive background check/application), and finally, how willing you are to do what you are going to do with the weapon.

I'll never buy a firearm, even if it was that easy for me, because I know that I would inevitably do something irrational with it because I'm aware of what kind of person I am. That's called personal responsibility, which evidently doesn't exist in America. No one wants to be accountable, so they call for legal regulations when things like this happen, and that's foolish.

People are going to kill people regardless of method, and each individual incident is based entirely on the mentality of the individual perpetrator. And we all know that America has NEVER been for the individual; the easiest thing to do is keep manufacturing/prescribing psych meds that do more bad than good, rather than use other preventative measures that could stop someone from doing this.

No one is going to mention the Bath school bombings in the 40's in Michigan which killed twice as many people, the Oklahoma City bombing which killed over 100, or even the Luby's restaurant massacre in the early 90s that killed over 20, where a woman in the restaurant who's parents were killed became a gun advocate because Texas gun laws required her to keep her gun in her truck rather than in the restaurant, where she could have stopped the shooter.

Cities like Chicago that have strict gun laws have some of the highest occurrences of gun crime, mostly with illegal/unregistered guns.

TL;DR, There is no way to win with any issue, especially this one, and if you ask me, it's a perfect opportunity for the government to repeal the 2nd amendment due to the circumstances (dead children) shocking the masses into a social-political divide and conquer, which will only further emasculate the American people and further empower the police/military/government. This won't end well.
Last edited by ManInThePlanet on Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:27 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby djtheblade » Sat Dec 15, 2012 10:17 am

Culturally the issues are complicated and no doubt arise from a vast multitude of problems. News coverage isn't exactly a uniquely US phenomenom, although granted the US tv media does have a certain way of presenting stories which are, let's say, OTT in the minds of the rest of the English speaking world (there's this sort of view that Americans always try to make everything bigger and better than everyone else).

Tighter gun laws are one way to approach the problem, and would be much easier to implement than a giant cultural shift (the sort of thing that usually takes many decades to complete).

What makes some pissed off and possibly mentally ill guy want to pick up a gun and take out kids? Like before, I guess it's a huge combination of factors. Could he have been identified earlier as unwell/troubled? Could his kill count have been reduced if he didn't have such easy access to firearms? Could he be capable of the same thing if he had grown up in say, Iceland, under similar social conditions? I guess we don't know enough about him yet so speculation will probably get us nowhere.

America is just America, and as more and more people who have visited the states tell me it seems to be a melting pot of the very best and the very worst of humanity. Most countries will probably make this claim (just like every country likes to claim it has the greatest drinking culture or something) but the statistics for biggest cock, biggest pizza, biggest burgers, biggest casino, biggest charity donations and biggest high-school kill counts always seem to stem from America.

In Europe we love to have a light-hearted snear at Americans and their manifest destiny approach to life, as if god has bestowed upon them the freedom to do whatever they want, whenever they want, regardless of consequence. Although obviously after meeting Americans you realise that everyone is different and that, the British for example, are just as capable of being egotistical, ignorant morons. We just don't pick up weapons and kill school kids quite as often. I honestly don't know why, like I say it's a mega combination of things, we'll never be able to summarise it here, this discourse will take literally decades to play itself out. It seems it's just the way it is. No happy ending i'm afraid guys, not for a while yet any way.
Last edited by djtheblade on Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby verdroid » Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:32 am

Best drinking culture...? Maybe not.
Best beer? Definitly!

However..reading your posts...i will never argue you. Blade.

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Postby ohmega sir » Sat Dec 15, 2012 11:59 am

can i just point out the strange fact that when things like this happen in the US everyone suddenly jumps on their soapbox about it yet every single day things like this happen all over the world, and in some cases it is much much worse (rape torture and killing of school kids in war torn african countries) but nobody says a word? in fact the american and brittish goverment are at fault for some horrible and discusting things happening in the middle east, and i have never seen anyone post about that? , what happened in that school is a tragedy yes but its only one of many but nobody cares about that it wasnt middle/upper class white western kids
(oh and ps lytton scotland has the biggest average penis size in the western world... fact :lol: )

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Postby djtheblade » Sat Dec 15, 2012 12:01 pm

Not anyone can get a (legal) gun. If that was the case, I wouldn't be posting here. It all depends on how much money you have, who you know (I personally wouldn't know where to buy one without a permit, which requires a very extensive background check/application), and finally, how willing you are to do what you are going to do with the weapon.

From what I understand the differences between ownership applications are quite different from state to state, but it is important to mention the availability of legal AND illegal firearms. Because they are available legally, it means inevitably they can be readily available illegally as well. What we see in this new story is that the mother of the shooter appeared to legally own guns, some of which may have been taken by the shooter to do what he did. This is a recurring theme in previous massacres; nutters taking their parents or friend's guns, which were LEGALLY acquired initially and obviously not locked away in a completely secure place.

No one is going to mention the Bath school bombings in the 40's in Michigan which killed twice as many people, the Oklahoma City bombing which killed over 100, or even the Luby's restaurant massacre in the early 90s that killed over 20, where a woman in the restaurant who's parents were killed became a gun advocate because Texas gun laws required her to keep her gun in her truck rather than in the restaurant, where she could have stopped the shooter.

Not sure if you're advocating weapons to be more readily available or not, I know there is certainly a gun advocacy movement in every country that believes (quite wrongly I believe) that if guns are more readily available, then more people will be able to return fire and thus end a situation sooner. In the UK gun laws were tightened significantly after the Dunblane massacre in Scotland (check it on the internet, it was horribly similar to this latest attack; the victims were little kids in a school). We have a bigger problem with knife crime as a result; knives are the hot potato in the UK, knife ownership is next to impossible to regulate, and statistically speaking if you carry a knife you are SIGNIFICANTLY more likely to be injured or killed by one. I know guns and knives are very different, but I suspect official stats will probably show a similar trend amongst gun ownership.

Cities like Chicago that have strict gun laws have some of the highest occurrences of gun crime, mostly with illegal/unregistered guns.

I think this shows that it's not so much tighter gun laws to blame (because we could use all of Europe as an example of tight gun laws keeping gun crime far lower than the USA) but rather the availability of guns through illegal channels. I think the general evidence staring right us is that if there are more guns around, there will probably be more gun related violence. We can get partisan about it all we like, but these are the facts I believe.

Basically what I will say is that Libertarianism isn't shit without self-restraint and egalitarianism. If you want small government and big private ownership or even small government and small private ownership you've gotta accept that this sort of thing will be a logical consequence without a communal code of conduct guiding a community. We can posture all we like about the big nasty governments of the world dividing and ruling and reducing our freedoms, but the freedom to live in relative safety must be factored in to the equation, not just the freedom to own big guns and lots of them. Freedom is a paradox in itself sometimes; one person's expression of freedom infringes on another person's freedom to live without aggro.

Like I said, there is no happy ending here, we're all losers today.

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Postby ManInThePlanet » Sun Dec 16, 2012 3:28 am

There's no way to resolve any of this, so I'm sorry I even said anything.

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Postby Feutus Lapdance » Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:08 pm

How can America reduce its gun crimes? Stop selling the shit to Mexico and the rest of the world.

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Postby ohmega sir » Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:51 pm

was reading some of the newspaper headlines about this today and they said "nerd" "geek" "loner" "weirdo" gunman etc do they not realise the bullying and name calling of people who are not the same as them is part of the reason things like this happen? i mean i have read alot about eric harris from columbine and he was treated fucking horribly by other pupils and teachers and it was the main reason behind what he did!

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Postby Feutus Lapdance » Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:34 pm

ohmega sir wrote:was reading some of the newspaper headlines about this today and they said "nerd" "geek" "loner" "weirdo" gunman etc do they not realise the bullying and name calling of people who are not the same as them is part of the reason things like this happen? i mean i have read alot about eric harris from columbine and he was treated fucking horribly by other pupils and teachers and it was the main reason behind what he did!


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Postby TGC » Tue Dec 18, 2012 10:00 am

Little sociological study about relation between gun avaibility and crime for those who are interested by this problematic

"An exploratory analysis of guns and violent crime in a cross-national sample of cities" (Irshad Altheimer - 2010) :

https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=ca ... aKFaaFKvcg

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