v snares breaks or similar?

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Postby krisistterrorcell » Sat May 16, 2009 9:52 am

vsnares doesn't only use amens, their newer stuff has more of heavier sound
a simple amen doesn't seem to hit like thier new stuff does


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Postby 133crazydirector » Sat May 16, 2009 11:06 am

Fuck brothers! (I mean amen brothers :lol: )
Aaron can do fucking amayzing stuff by his brain and even can thrown by the wall and recorded, whyle you guys still breaking breaks=))
Use your brains, not breaks, really))

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Postby PEPCORE » Sat May 16, 2009 11:55 am

Who the fuck cares, make your one style, mine is gay, but proud of it.

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Postby aerick » Sun May 17, 2009 2:07 am

133crazydirector wrote:Fuck brothers! (I mean amen brothers :lol: )
Aaron can do fucking amayzing stuff by his brain and even can thrown by the wall and recorded, whyle you guys still breaking breaks=))
Use your brains, not breaks, really))

not that again.
Who really cares if its an amen or not if the song sounds good?
Better a simple amen sampled in a good way, than a crappy bunch of randomsamples. There r some really good amenmashs out there and they r as good as some other songs made with nonamen samples.

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Postby 133crazydirector » Sun May 17, 2009 7:59 am

I prefer gay one-shots madeby myself, instead breaks :lol:
That's 'secret' of everyone who has really good sound))

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Postby cuttingagent » Thu May 21, 2009 10:30 am

are you fucking retarted? stop sucking aaron funk's cock and do something original. the core is not about mimicking somebody else's style (which will only sound like a snare drum crammed up an ass unless you know god knows fuck all about trackers). it's about doing something new and exciting. or at least it used to be. that's what all these 'how do i breakcore' noobs don't get. no one on earth wants to listen to your best effort at aping snares riffs. 7/8 timing don't mean shit to the salt of earth. do something NEW, or at least do something you're good at. no one can ape snares and even if they do, it's been heard and it's not gonna get you on whatever label. what this genre needs is free fucking minds, not a bunch of wanks tryna replicate the industry standard. that's what HOUSE is for. sorry for the rant, but i've seriously seen this thread 400 times already. and not even fakin' the funk like i'm the shit or anything, we are all just wanderers in a desert of what's been done already. the point is to strive for something, anything at all worth our bandwidth. a mirage worth buying into, thirsty for flow and needing a wealth of buckshot to keep the vultures from circling. and a duplicate of Winnipeg or any other album is simply not worth it. people won't even download your shit for free, cause as 'underground' or unpopular as this 'scene' is, everybody has heard snares before and if they like the style they can listen to his own albums, no one wants to listen to 6,000 (and there is that many) random bedroom producers try to copy it.

same with mspaint album covers. shit was funny like 5 years ago.
also hate to even say it but amen breaks wtf? there is NOTHING you can do with that break that hasn't been done before.
same with random ass net labels. shit will get you nowhere besides a couple downloads from kids that love recycled breaks based on recycled ideas. glitches stopped being special once they started making VST's that make glitches on purpose. FSU plugins do the exact same thing to every sounhd you feed into it. BORING.

load up a synth and some drums and see where it takes you. i promise it's more fun that way. and praxis isn't in the market for anymore 7/8 techno 808 blastbeats with random samples from movies you don't even realize have been sampled 1000 times before you. just trust me.

wow i totally didn't mean to type this much. sorry to crucify whoever started this thread, i have no idea who it is and for all i know they could be the next aaron funk pressing on rephlex. fuck all. anything could happen. i'm just bored with everyone's tracks and band graphics and hilarious artist names based on some pop culture reference that is again a mirror image of something that was funny 5 years ago before it became the 'breakcore way to do things' and the HI I LIKE TO RAPE SUM BAYBIEZ LOL attitude, the song names, everything. it's not core, it's a xerox in super low quality black and white. niggas aint even that technical. just random and stupid.

haha... this rant would have been way better if it wasn't associated with whatever stupid thread got me up on it.

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Postby drop_this » Thu May 21, 2009 3:29 pm

Nah, i agree with most of what you said. Apart from these things:

glitches stopped being special once they started making VST's that make glitches on purpose.

No. I think most people could tell a difference between generated sequences and hand-constructed ones. The hand-constructed ones sound much better (if the artist is good, of course)... if you're not a producer, the reason why may not be apparent, but to me it's as clear as day. The timing of manual breaks & glitches is perfect because every present sound is exactly where it needs to be. Generated glitches and breaks sound alright but they will never ever give you that 'rush'/omg feeling you get when someone does it for real. Challenge me with any sequence of generated glitches and I will make something that shits all over it, by hand. It's the same as a guitar solo, you will never ever ever get a machine to sound anything like jimi hendrix or whoever.

stop sucking aaron funk's cock and do something original.

Long term; yes, short term; why not? You have to accept that people asking these noob questions are just that; noobs. They're learning to produce. What do most people do when they learn how to play guitar? Do they immediately and clumsily put their fingers on the fretboard and proceed to create something original? No... they learn to play their favourite songs by their favourite bands. Immitation is the basis of the evolution of their own sound. However, what I don't agree with (with this approach) is being a lazy fucker and asking strangers on the internet how to do it. Learn by yourself ffs, you will rapidly become more proficient if you discover how to do this shit on your own - trial & error, experiment. Yes; immitate venetian snares, the flashbulb, whoever, but come up with your own methods. You will then find it natural to change what you're doing and go on to create your own sound.

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Postby cuttingagent » Thu May 21, 2009 8:01 pm

good points. i really wouldn't have gone off on a tangent if i hadn't seen this so many times already. i hate to ramble on like a cunt =)

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Postby ccdm » Thu May 21, 2009 8:58 pm

DUDES, How many people write in alternate time sigs other than me on a regular basis? I write my stuff typically in 10/8, or 9/8. Anybody that wants this explained to them for renoise, reason, or ableton, can ask me. Or you can take 16+ years of classical training........that's what I did, and am still doing. I suggest starting with a 3/4 or 6/8 time signature, and getting used to that "waltz" or "polka" sound. Then work with a measure divided into a 4/4 plus 3/4 time signature(this equals 7 for those that are bad at music math).

If you want to go snares, you have to write in 3.5/4 and I know that sounds ridiculous, but listen to the end of "Hand throw" and you'll know what I mean. Also listen to alot of 70's jazz for weird time sigs

3.5 timing in 16ths
1 - e - & - a - 2 - e - & - a - 3 - e

Hopefully everybody realizes that the "typical artist" writes in a 4/4 or 3/4 (standard) Time signatures due to their ease to display to audiences. As a member of the music that everybody loves to hate, and fewer still even understand, I will continue to write in these odd sigs to give my music an extra jank. Also, have you ever heard the song "take five" by the Dave Brueback trio? Count the Beats and you'll find something interesting.

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Postby drop_this » Thu May 21, 2009 9:13 pm

Doing weird time sigs for the sake of it is just the electronic equivalent of muso beard-stroking & fret-wanking. Do unusual shit if it actually adds something to the song - not detracts from it. The best tracks I've heard in different time signatures are the ones where I haven't actually noticed that it's in 5/4 or 9/4 or whatever.

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Postby epilektric » Fri May 22, 2009 6:25 am

ccdm wrote:Also, have you ever heard the song "take five" by the Dave Brueback trio?

Yeah, it's one of the few jazz standards that actually "works" in 5/4. But only because it was really written as 3/4 & 2/4 pairs.

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Postby Benn Virus » Sat May 30, 2009 4:59 pm

drop_this wrote:Renoise break in 7/8:


come on people, this is really easy stuff.......

nope, it's 6/8, not 7/8

OK, here's the way to calculate the sigs:

7*8 = 56*2 = 112 (you can multiply it with 2 or 4, whatever you want)

7/8 = 112 lines with highlights every 7th line (HEX: 70 Lines with highlight on every 7th line).

7*4 = 28*4=112

7/4 = 112 lines with highlights every 4th line
(or: a 1/7 block fits in 7 times)

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Postby OneOscillator » Sun Jun 21, 2009 12:33 am

really hard to copy Vsnares, prolly don't try - as others have said, make your own style

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Postby mitb » Sat Jul 11, 2009 3:21 am

hmm... what is exactly being original?
i mean this whole genre is based on copying shit, copying samples, copying loops and basicaly its a mockery of the music industry
especialy of electronic music
anyone who takes this style(musicaly) too seriously, has some serious problems
i play live bass on some of the tracks which i make, i dont think that all of them are breakcore, but i have used alot of amens & gabber kicks & other shit which i like ;]
to me, breakcore is the same as diyhardcorepunk, its all about the raves and do it yourself stuff

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Postby the_machine » Sat Jul 11, 2009 3:07 pm

there should be a "what is breakcore page on the top left menu explaining the genre, there is too much confusion about this sort of thing. originallity is and has always been the heart and soul of music in my opinion. only things that sound authentic can transfer emotions and thus mean something to some one (regardless of the genre). a motionless blur of conventions will never make it in the long run. it just won't stick.

for those who are looking to broaden their musical skills, keep it up! the more 'tools' you learn to utilise the more possibilaties you have to express yourself creatively.

to those who are trying to 'get the snares sound': don't
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