Breakcore Zine

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Postby kowalczyk » Fri Nov 12, 2010 3:42 pm

Fez wrote:it would probably reinforce how lame the 'scene' is and would probably eventually end up being used as someones snorter, toilet roll ect

Fez wrote:i agree the sort of stance for the zine should be poking fun at itself, but i dont think it should be obvious to the reader.

I sort of agree with you.
I think the people that already knows about the breakcore scene, and is listening to breakcore, would read it, but the people only starting to know about breakcore might just think "what the fuck is this shit" and then not give a fuck.

Actually, the best name (other than Pizzabreak of course), would be something like "I Hate Breakcore", "What the fuck is breakcore?" or something similar.

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Postby maidenchina » Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:49 pm

Fez, I think that first article idea is really good, you should be the one to write it

I guess I went with pizzabreak because I assumed there was some connection I was missing
I must've forgotten I was on the internet

I think "Breakcore Breakfast" is clever
Break + Fast = Breakfast

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Postby Cra_Core » Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:11 pm

The Break Down, FukCore, SlutMore, Tripple Drop, MicroDot

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Postby Fez » Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:11 pm

maidenchina wrote:Fez, I think that first article idea is really good, you should be the one to write it

I guess I went with pizzabreak because I assumed there was some connection I was missing
I must've forgotten I was on the internet

haha, sorry i didnt mean to offend

I'd be up for writing something, although im not sure my opinions would be valid as i wasnt 'there' for the older side of stuff, its just something im quite interested in.
i could certainly give my two cents though.......maybe have the article as a compilation from a few people writing an article each with the same title....and presenting it in a nice 2 page spread with pics and stuff.

id like to get involved, im a bit snowed under with college work but ill try and contribute.....i might be able to help out with the web side of things, ie hosting, domains.....


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Postby Fez » Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:14 pm

Cra_Core wrote:The Break Down, FukCore, SlutMore, Tripple Drop, MicroDot

i like the break down

word on the break vine

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Postby djtheblade » Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:32 pm

Fez wrote:
maidenchina wrote:Fez, I think that first article idea is really good, you should be the one to write it

I guess I went with pizzabreak because I assumed there was some connection I was missing
I must've forgotten I was on the internet

haha, sorry i didnt mean to offend

I'd be up for writing something, although im not sure my opinions would be valid as i wasnt 'there' for the older side of stuff, its just something im quite interested in.
i could certainly give my two cents though.......maybe have the article as a compilation from a few people writing an article each with the same title....and presenting it in a nice 2 page spread with pics and stuff.

id like to get involved, im a bit snowed under with college work but ill try and contribute.....i might be able to help out with the web side of things, ie hosting, domains.....


Bare in mind it's essentially the article i'm writing ha. I'm discussing the role of politics and idealism in breakcore, and how different strands within Breakcore (particularly the politics versus the apathetics) often accuse various things for the demise/loss of quality in Breakcore. I'm also including a brief history of the music.

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Postby djtheblade » Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:35 pm

But yeah a scathing attack on fucking 4chan core could be a bit necessary. I'm trying to keep my article as objective as possible like, but doesn't mean to say everyone's articles have to be unbiased.

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Postby Fez » Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:47 pm

djtheblade wrote:But yeah a scathing attack on fucking 4chan core could be a bit necessary. I'm trying to keep my article as objective as possible like, but doesn't mean to say everyone's articles have to be unbiased.

its a touchy subject......
i personally hate the masses of weak uninspiring '4chan' core but do feel the better more ballsy stuff has its place within the scene more so than the weak uninspiring industrial stuff.

i guess it depends on what draws you to the genre, ie the militant political side or the dada artsy side.....for many people its both, but i have noticed a bit of a divide.
a lot of this is down to where you are in the world and the local scene around you....

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Postby Cra_Core » Sat Nov 13, 2010 3:13 pm

Its true, within the german scene its a lot more political. Each song is a statement. The northern french scene is also quite politically driven or at least it used to be. I guess u find it a bit too in the belgian scene but i found its popularity stems more from the energy of the music as opposed to what its trying to say. I do believe drugs have a big part to play in the evolution of the belgian scene. I think if we were all still poppin E's like it was 1993 then we'd probably all end up at I Love Techno or Cheerymoon listening to mediocre trance and progressive techno, maybe Thunderdome for the slighly edgey!

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Postby kowalczyk » Sat Nov 13, 2010 4:21 pm

The Danish breakore scene (which is pretty small), is quite politial. It's often used as riot music.

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Postby ohmega sir » Sat Nov 13, 2010 4:52 pm

kowalczyk wrote: It's often used as riot music.

thats the way it should be imo

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Postby Cra_Core » Sat Nov 13, 2010 4:59 pm

I guess if u look at it closely politics do infulence the belgian scene, a lot of belgian breakcore producer are known for fun energetic breakcore tracks, steeped in funny samples and always arroached with a good sense of humor. If u look at belgian politics...well its a joke! No proper government for almost 3 years now. Constant forming and splitting of coalitions which essentially just argue with each other about how important they are while the rest of the country just gets on with it! We have almost proven that we don't need politicians.

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Postby djtheblade » Sat Nov 13, 2010 9:21 pm

It's not uncommon to have your head bitten right off over here if you mention politics in Breakcore. Idealism makes some people purple with fury, it seems to be so polarising now, nobody is up for combining the two. Whether it's apathy, anti-intellectualism or just opposing/populist politics, it's pretty much not welcome at most gigs, even if you try and present it in the most inclusive and fun-related way. The scene would suck if it was all way too serious, but I think Eiterherd summed it up perfectly in Notes on Breakcore:

"There are websites, discussions and exchanges between political activists, but that doesn't say anything to contradict the merits of partying and having a good time."

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Postby Cra_Core » Sun Nov 14, 2010 4:09 pm

Yeh of course i mean just cos u have a hard hittin message in your track dosent mean your not suppoded to enjoy it(Fight Back by Rotator bein a good example). Even on the other end of the spectrum, some of the silly funny songs are actually satirical and try to provoke a thought or idiea in the listeners head. The only thing i guess that u risk when adding politics to music is that you might end up alienating yourself, especially with something like breakcore which is mainly distrubuted across the internet. People in other countries are gonna have a hard time understanding your political outcry if they havent experienced the system you live in. For example, in Notes on Breakcore society suckers talk about how breakcore was making fun of the hardcore techno scene which was associated with neo nazism. Since i grew up in ireland and belgium i never came into contact with this type of scene.

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Postby Draegg » Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:06 am

The scene here in sweden died like two weeks ago, the only club here in stockholm who played breakcore and did it good, they´ve had rotator, bong-ra and lots of fucking great artists and then they kind of realized that everyone who was there came to listen to dubstep so now they´ve joined forces with a dubstep club and are planning to revive the breakcore side of a second dancefloor... This just pisses me off. I can write something about that...dubstep v.s breakcore.


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