Could need some tips!

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Could need some tips!

Postby aerick » Wed Nov 26, 2008 11:46 pm

Hi there,

i just decided a few weeks ago to start making music. Well, i really like Glitch and Breakcore, such as Vsnares, Flashbulb or Aphex Twin r doin it and decided to give it a try.
I gained some experience with the FL-Studio8 programm, which was the easiest to use in my opinion and learned some basics of the drum'n'bass-genre. I think i pretty much got the clue behind it and began to do some glitches in my music but i think theres something i still dont get about breakcore.
I uploaded a demotrack from me, so u can hear what im doin so far.
can be found here:

The reason why im posting here is to get some tips from u.
Can u tell me some VSTs, effects and generators, with which i could get some more spice in my tracks. Or are there any good tricks u could tell me about?
I really want to get in that hole musicthingy, but at the moment its pretty hard for me, to make music that i like myself because my tunes r more annoying than groovy to me.

sry if my english isnt perfect.
Last edited by aerick on Sat Nov 29, 2008 5:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby MarkyPoo » Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:52 am

Based On Your Demo You Need Some Bass And A Few More Loops In That Sucker.
Some Great Vst For Glitch Are:
Lost Technology
Zombie Fungus FX
Anything By Jack Dark
Buffer Override
Anything From Destroy FX

But Get To Know You're Loop Slicer And If You Have FL That Probably Means You Have A Edison Loop Editor. GET TO KNOW THAT THING!
It Can Transform Even The Lamest Loop Into Interesting Stuff If You Use It Right.

Get Some Good Kick Samples And Add Some Sub Bass To Your Track It Will Work Out Great

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Postby aerick » Thu Nov 27, 2008 2:42 am

thx for ur fast answer.
ill test some of the VSTs u told me
im allready familar with the slicer, and will look into the edison editor now.

btw, what du mean with sucker? ^^

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Postby Funkicker » Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:52 am

a fat beat is layered out of 10 or so layers, so add breaks for punch, midrange frequencies and splash to your original beat. it'll sound more realistic and a lot fuller.

furthermore, compressors make everything sound a lot better
and you can't do without a really good reverb to glue things together (i think the fruity7 reverb sucks, dont know about 8 )
and use a parametric eq on every track, it makes everything fit together

if you don't know too much about compression, i can really recommend the fabfilter which has very clear monitoring, and you can even get by with the presets

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Postby aerick » Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:29 am

i used the old demo as an intro an created a few beats behind it.
this is the link:
does this sound any better? ^^'

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Postby MarkyPoo » Sat Nov 29, 2008 2:12 am

Wayyyy Better.
It Sounded Like It Had A HighPass On The Master But It Worked For That Song.

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Postby xTxRxAxVxIxSx » Sat Nov 29, 2008 2:23 am

Good news: you're already good at break editing. Better than I've ever done and you're just starting haha.

But I agree with Mark - needs more on the low levels, unless that's the sound you're going for.

I'm impressed though. For a beginner, you're damn good.

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Postby aerick » Sat Nov 29, 2008 2:33 am

thank you! =D

well, i think one thing i shouldnt do is listening to the track over and over again when im editing it. thats fucking up the sound ^^

[edit] uhm, bass is there, only the intro is pretty high, but i wanted it that way. the more it comes to the end, the dirty an deeper the sound goes

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Postby aerick » Sat Nov 29, 2008 5:30 pm

Ok, i pretty much finished up the track. i got impatient, and wanted to finish it fast, so i can creat a new one. thx for ur help guys.
heres the song

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Postby Acoustiks » Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:42 am

Funkicker wrote:a fat beat is layered out of 10 or so layers, so add breaks for punch, midrange frequencies and splash to your original beat. it'll sound more realistic and a lot fuller.

furthermore, compressors make everything sound a lot better
and you can't do without a really good reverb to glue things together (i think the fruity7 reverb sucks, dont know about 8 )
and use a parametric eq on every track, it makes everything fit together

if you don't know too much about compression, i can really recommend the fabfilter which has very clear monitoring, and you can even get by with the presets

I disagree with the method of layering tons of breaks on top of each other. After even like, four, your transients can go haywire. If you know how to use EQ and Compression well, you should be able to just as good. Less is more.
Like Funkicker stated, compression can really make things sound good. As a beginner you might not notice this, but different compressors have different 'sounds'. Some compressors may have a 'warm' tone while others might be more 'abrasive'.

For example, load up Fruity Para. EQ and Fruity Para. EQ 2. They sound much different. gah, so what I'm trying to say. Is mess with EQ and Compression. Mess with the combination of the two. Go crazy. :twisted:

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Postby Funkicker » Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:24 pm

^ i didnt mean layering 10 hats and 10 snares and 10 kicks etc :P
i think of just 1 hat pattern as a layer, so you have some different layers that make up a beat, and then you layer it with a hipassed break that has a lot of cymbals for example, but at a low volume, i think it just fills up the sound, and no transients freaking out :)

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