Suggestions Please?

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Suggestions Please?

Postby confusion » Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:41 pm

Hi all, am lookin to start makin my own music. Have coupla problems main one seems to be lack of funds, the other is no p.c. so any ideas on wot I can get to start me off cheaply and without a p.c. would be great, I do have an old DJX keyboard too but I think again need p.c. to use it properly? help? :?

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Postby Feutus Lapdance » Mon Oct 20, 2008 6:30 pm

Its imposible to make breakcore witout a PC and some software. Or is it???? Jou can make some Lime records using Woodlime and some old Gaber vinyl.I learnt this Acent tecnick from a Jermen Noiz artist Put some woodlime on the record Make sure jou dont get bubels. Pop them whit a needle. let them dry a day. Lime records play backwards and make some terebol ugly noiz (it dont sound like playing a record backwards) ...Use 2 of them and a crosfader that co like a retard and record it whit a tape recorder. It wil probely soud like REAL SHIT.....

Circuit bending is also a very Ceap way of making breaks. I would recoment some second hand ABC macines (the thing jour 4 jear old brother is playing wit) to fuck things up. Al jou have to do is conect its clocking curcit to the power curcit (Im proberly wrong, I dont know wit curcits I fuckt up, I forgot it so jou have to use trail and error) It wil sound somthing like bsdvjzsdkfcadff,sdbfvdsfvkdjvaqdkjbaekrjf and jou can use the liel piano mode like DiDiDiDiDiDiD, AaAaAaAaAaAaA, etcetra etcetra.....and again a crosfader and a tapedeck.

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Postby killstablo » Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:38 am

or even better cut off the speaker, replace it with a 3.5 jack socket, and sample that shit up
Killstablo - evil ink

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