Don't Require 3 Posts Before Download

What can be improved upon at this site?

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Postby PEPCORE » Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:47 am

Red Sparowe wrote:It must be lonely to be in a position of power... I feel for thee. :wink:

Haahhahaha, thanks.... :lol: :lol: :wink:

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Postby ©®TM » Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:49 pm

Red Sparowe wrote:I feel for thee. :wink:

Haha me too, but know the feeling :(. Damn bitching ingrates :evil: :mrgreen:.
And BTW even if you cant delete their post, you can lower their postcount cant you? :twisted: ;)

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Postby PEPCORE » Fri Dec 21, 2007 8:57 am

©®TM wrote:
Red Sparowe wrote:I feel for thee. :wink:

Haha me too, but know the feeling :(. Damn bitching ingrates :evil: :mrgreen:.
And BTW even if you cant delete their post, you can lower their postcount cant you? :twisted: ;)

No i can't :( , Yes by deleting all their posts i can put them back on zero, JM could put someone on minus 200 or something, Thallium too i think, believe me i wish i could. :wink:


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Postby ©®TM » Fri Dec 21, 2007 8:03 pm

PEPCORE wrote:No i can't :( , Yes by deleting all their posts i can put them back on zero, JM could put someone on minus 200 or something, Thallium too i think, believe me i wish i could. :wink:

So youre also a "plain simple" mod then are you?
But well ask the admins to do it for ya then :P ;).

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Postby NovaTeryx » Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:16 pm

I agree with all of you, at first I was just looking for samples,but having to make 3 posts opened me to this community.
with the quality they offer here, even 5 posts isn't much, for the time and effort put into making packs,samples,breaks,ect... I could actually see this as a pay site.

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Postby PEPCORE » Sat Dec 22, 2007 12:33 am

©®TM wrote:
PEPCORE wrote:No i can't :( , Yes by deleting all their posts i can put them back on zero, JM could put someone on minus 200 or something, Thallium too i think, believe me i wish i could. :wink:

So youre also a "plain simple" mod then are you?
But well ask the admins to do it for ya then :P ;).

Yes im still a mod, jm gave me admin priviliges because i couldnt move posts for some reason...

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Postby ©®TM » Sat Dec 22, 2007 4:20 pm

PEPCORE wrote:Yes im still a mod, jm gave me admin priviliges because i couldnt move posts for some reason...

Hmm if you have (full) admin privs you should be able to do it via the admin panel? If not, as said, if you really want, ask the admins and send them a list every day or something :P.

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Postby NinjaGaijin » Thu Feb 28, 2008 4:30 am

how about ONE post required and admin then expands members privlidges to include whole forum

instead of just a single 'introductions' section

check out for a working example of this

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Postby miskibaul » Thu Feb 28, 2008 8:27 am

NinjaGaijin wrote:check out for a working example of this

fixed 8)

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Postby matt bleak » Thu Feb 28, 2008 2:58 pm

i am gonna have to be a negative nelly here and say the whole 3 post rule is quite ludicrous, as is the attempt at imposing a structure that comes complete with a hierarchy of mods, admins etc etc...yeah sure its a bit of a community but fuck all the egos about who put this together etc etc...i mean well done to the person or people who put this site together but do we really need to have people paying tribute to them everyday? surely a paragraph or two on the home page explaining who created this site is enough? otherwise its one big ego trip isn't it? breakcore is about breakcore yeah? its not a competition about who has the most privileges on a freakin' forum nor is it some sort of popularity contest which is pretty much what most online forums soon degenerate into nor should it be about paying dues to 'the man' - in this case the fucken whatever the ridiculous title is for somebody who runs a website. sure there needs to be a mod or two, but only to delete INAPPROPRIATE content...IE some fuckwit spamming the forums with corporate advertising or porn or whatever...NOT to moderate peoples freakin' opinions that they don't agree with or simply don't like because it bruises their ego(s) or because some poor kid has trouble reading or doesn't even speak fuckin english and hence their posts are not 'up to the standard'...thats playing by society's bullshit rules and even though we all have to live in various societies i always thought breakcore was about creating a completely seperate place to be yourself in even if it is a temporary thing! another thing to consider is that a lot of breakcore (and a lot of the BEST breakcore) is coming from countries where english is not even the spoken language!! so yeah the 3 posts rule is kinda lame and in a way discriminatory. i say fuck it off and give the fucken kids what they want, a place where producers and fans alike from ALL OVER THE WORLD and not just the 4 english speaking countries (UK, USA, AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND) can hang out, talk some shit and post/swap tracks without having to kowtow to a bunch of knobheads on some idiotic trip via their ridiculous internet 'persona' - whatever the fuck that is. and hey, i co-moderate a forum as well so i do have some idea of what is involved...IE fuck all, just ocassionally stepping in and deleting uncalled for shit or moving some stuff..whoopdee fucking doo, its more of a behind the scenes thing, not an in your face 'look at me i'm the fucken boss' kinda thing. that kinda behaviour is the uberest of lameness personified...cos unless i am mistaken this site is called 'I H8 BREAKCORE' not 'I H8 BREAKCORE FORUM MODERATORS AND STAFF!'
i'm not dissing anyone in particular or in fact this is something that is symptomatic of forums in general...shit just gets way out of fucken hand and that whole schoolyard/workplace environment begins to set in. another thing too is over-moderation stifles expression on a forum...i mean its bad enough coming up with 3 posts just so you can (and here is the fucking clincher folks!) GIVE YOUR ARTISTIC WORK TO THE FUCKING WORLD FOR FREE without being confronted by rules and crap every which way you turn on the forum or worried that you cannot express yourself properly cos some smart-arse who has better command of the english language is gonna try make you look like a dickhead - really that shit is fucking pathetic...i've been guilty of it many a time but at least i can admit to it and say 'yeah sorry i was being a cunt'...i reckon the bullshit has to cease.. YOU CANNOT TAME BREAKCORE!! BREAKCORE DOES NOT PLAY BY 'THE RULES' yeah lets all get off our fucken high horses and let these cunts run riot...FOR FUCK SAKE!!!!
i am gonna post this on a few other forums too and save a copy just in case this post gets 'moderated' btw cos i reckon i am raising some valid points and i am seriously interested in hearing what other people think on this...maybe i am full of shit? i don't reckon i am...i reckon if anything is killing breakcore it is bullshit egos...yeah i have one but at least i can recognize when i am being a fucken douchebag and publicly admit it for all to see instead of hiding behind a fucken moniker and an avatar and spouting some pseudo-ironic hipster fucking bullshit because i am too fucken inadequate to admit i may be wrong about something! hahahaha end/rant!!
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Postby matt bleak » Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:22 pm

and then he suddenly thought of something...hahaha do u have to post 3 posts before you can upload? hahahaha...see there i go again admitting i am a fucktard :D even if you don't i think a lot of what i said in the above rant still makes sense!!
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Postby Silent Frog » Thu Feb 28, 2008 4:42 pm

Bleak: What the fuck are you going on about? The whole 3 post thing is so people have to look at the forums and hopefully participate rather than just taking all the free stuff. Without it, a lot of people on this forum wouldn't be here and the community as it is would be a lot smaller than it is currently. It's not some kind of egotistical conspiracy by the mods to raise them up higher on their thrones of power. I've never seen any evidence of moderators on here abusing their power by deleting posts or banning people who step out of line and I don't think anyone on this site has any issues with egos or other forum members. Besides, the 3 post system doesn't restrict any of the things you feel are prohibited here such as "hanging out and talking shit" or stopping fans from all over the world taking part. Yes, this is an english-speaking forum, but never once has english been enforced and there are members here from not only the UK, USA and Australia but also Germany, Belgium, Holland, France, and so on.

Where you even get half your information of discrimination on this site is beyond me. The majority of the things you wrote in your post aren't even related to the 3 posts thing! Not everything has to fit into your pseudo-anarchistic "fuck the system" ideals, especially breakcore forums that have the bare minimum of moderation and where freedom of speech and musical expression is actively encouraged. Anarchism isn't about breaking things and everyone doing what the fuck they want you know.

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Postby miskibaul » Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:29 pm

matt bleak wrote:and then he suddenly thought of something...hahaha do u have to post 3 posts before you can upload? hahahaha...see there i go again admitting i am a fucktard :D

jokes on you :P

i hear you though. :twisted:

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Postby matt bleak » Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:00 pm

Silent Frog wrote:Bleak: What the fuck are you going on about? The whole 3 post thing is so people have to look at the forums and hopefully participate rather than just taking all the free stuff. Without it, a lot of people on this forum wouldn't be here and the community as it is would be a lot smaller than it is currently. It's not some kind of egotistical conspiracy by the mods to raise them up higher on their thrones of power. I've never seen any evidence of moderators on here abusing their power by deleting posts or banning people who step out of line and I don't think anyone on this site has any issues with egos or other forum members. Besides, the 3 post system doesn't restrict any of the things you feel are prohibited here such as "hanging out and talking shit" or stopping fans from all over the world taking part. Yes, this is an english-speaking forum, but never once has english been enforced and there are members here from not only the UK, USA and Australia but also Germany, Belgium, Holland, France, and so on.

Where you even get half your information of discrimination on this site is beyond me. The majority of the things you wrote in your post aren't even related to the 3 posts thing! Not everything has to fit into your pseudo-anarchistic "fuck the system" ideals, especially breakcore forums that have the bare minimum of moderation and where freedom of speech and musical expression is actively encouraged. Anarchism isn't about breaking things and everyone doing what the fuck they want you know.

dude read what i wrote PROPERLY, maybe get off your high horse before you read it and maybe throw out any pre-conceived notions you have about me before you read it. what you wrote pretty much confers some of the things i brought up - main point being somebody who has (or believes they have) a better command of the english language trying to cut people down to size...give it a rest, enough with the point-scoring and the bullshit, this is breakcore not a fucking socialist party meeting... post some tracks or stfu!!!!! stop being such a fucken critic...sure what i wrote was possibly erm...actually is a load of stream of consciousness gibberish just like what you just wrote!! why isn't my opinion valid and yours is? miskibaul seemed to get the gist of my come you can't? kudos for using the word 'psuedo-anarchistic' though...hahahaha!! i think i have outed you as a politico lurking on breakcore forums trying to brainwash the young with braindead ideological nonsense from the last century...fuck politics - there are fucking MOUNTAINS of corpses that stand as testimony to all of 'isms'...anarchism included!! stop trying to structure everything and just let it go!! what do you think is going to happen? what are you scared of?
what am i saying? am i a troll? who cares? i got a reaction from you didn't i? ripped you out of your comfort zone and into the ring to do intellectual battle...hahahaha!! what maketh a good thread? i'm pretty sure it isn't what some random internet entity thinks about a bunch of records but then again it isn't some random aussie who should be in bed sleeping ranting and raving about stuff that doesn't make one iota of sense until you take a step back and realize that even though what he is saying is bullshit it still makes sense!! thats whats wrong with the english language in general - it is the language of propaganda. i could post a rant on here that could make fascism sound reasonable and i am sure somebody would agree, in fact a lot of people would probably agree, because english is the language of cunts!! so what has any of this got to do with breakcore? well what is breakcore? answer that one simple question that not one breakcore forum in the world has been adequately able to explain and you sir might just have solved the riddle of life. now pass me that spliff from your avatar and carry on regardless. ;)
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Postby PEPCORE » Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:20 pm

I agree with silent frog it's not a hard thing to post 3 normal posts and it made the community that exists today, so i don't think it's a terribly bad rule.

Oh yeah and i can ban people to now , so when they start making three stupid meaningless topics, and they keep doing it after i delete their posts i'm gonna ban them, yeeh. :D

Not that i will abuse that power ofcourse. :mrgreen:


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